

  • Series registration delayed

    RDC+IRC 2025

Series registration for the PROPAIN Rookies Cup (RDC) and the iXS International Rookies Championships (IRC) will not open as planned for the time being. This is due to unanswered questions regarding insurance cover for unlicensed riders.

According to the Austrian Cycling Federation, there is the Cycling Austria Member Card, which is valid at least for Europeans, but unfortunately the range of validity has not yet been fully clarified. We are therefore currently unable to provide a reliable registration.

Member Card?

In Austria, it is now necessary to have either a national racing license or a Cycling Austria Member Card in order to participate in races. For riders from abroad, the Cycling Austria Member Card Guest has also been introduced, which costs € 65 per year. However, it is unclear whether this card is actually sufficient for our international events.

Austrian Member Card

Clarification required

As we are currently still in consultation with the Austrian Cycling Federation (ÖRV) and unfortunately cannot yet make a final decision, we have decided to postpone the series registration for the PROPAIN Rookies Cup (RDC) and the iXS International Rookies Championships (IRC). We want to make sure that all participants can fulfill the necessary insurance requirements and that no unexpected problems arise.

What does that mean for you?

  • Series registration for the RDC and IRC will not be activated for the time being.
  • DHC, EDC and the Kids Cup continue as planned..
  • We will inform you as soon as the series registration opens.
  • The Youth and Junior classes will be run as Open classes in order to create more flexible participation opportunities. This means that participants who have a license from a cycling federation can now also register there.

We are working hard to clarify the situation and will keep you up to date. As soon as there is a reliable solution, we will activate the registration and inform you accordingly. Follow us on our Instagram channel to make sure you don't miss any information.

Footer Rookies V1

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Austrian Member Card

Cycling Austria Member Card für Österreich

Insurance cover for Austrian races

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